Plant & Equipment Window - Tabs


Because you selected the location before you clicked Add New, the Location field is automatically populated with the same location.

Equipment Type: Select the group for this equipment item, such as Earthmoving Machinery, Scaffold, or Explosive-Powered Tools.
This field will display any inclusions on Plant & Equipment Validation Table | Equipment Types, and any new entries you create will be written back to this Validation Table.
Equipment: Select the actual equipment, such as Forklift, Drill Press or Woodworking Saw. This field will display any inclusions on Plant & Equipment Validation Table | Equipment, and any new entries you create will be written back to this Validation Table.
Category: Specify the location where the plant/equipment item is predominantly used, such as Warehouse or Building Site. This field will display any inclusions on Plant & Equipment Validation Table | Categories, and any new entries you create will be written back to this Validation Table.
Description: Type in a description of the item. This will generally include Make and Model of the item. This is the only mandatory field.
Identifier: Include the identifying details for this item, if appropriate.
Asset Number/Serial Number: In the first field - add in the Asset Number of the item, if you use one.
In the second field - add in the Serial Number. This might be a Vehicle Identification number.
Purchase Date: If purchased, when was this plant/equipment item purchased by this Company?
Purchase Value: If purchased, what was the cost of the item?
Monthly Charge $: If there is an ongoing cost, such as for maintenance, what it this per month?
Depreciation Period (m): For tax purposes, what is the depreciation period (in months) for this type of plant/equipment?
Replacement Date: Specify the date this item should be replaced, if applicable or known.
Disposal Date: Include a date if this item has been disposed of.
Supplier: The supplier of this item. The list of suppliers is generated from HR | HR Framework | Institution. New entries to this list can be added by the Administrator (or anyone with administrator access).
Supplier Contact: Select the name of the contact at this supplier, if available.
Business / Direct Line: These fields display contact information from HR | HR Framework | Institution in HR3pay.
Mobile / Home:
Notes: Add any pertinent notes to this equipment.

Action Items

In this tab you can add Action Items, which are creating new tasks, recording phone messages or sending emails. See Using Actions for more information.


  1. Add in the details of any actions that are required for the Plant or Equipment, such as a Service.
  2. The top half of the Actions window is populated automatically with details of the Plant or Equipment concerned.
  3. Complete the remaining fields, including the name of the person who is to coordinate the action. Add in the various dates as they occur, as well as the Duration once the action has been completed.
  4. If this action is linked to an Incident and/or a Hazard, click the drop-down arrows and select the associated entries from the lists displayed.


When you have a plant or equipment item which has a specific user for any length of time (for example a Company car may be assigned to an individual driver) you can add the Employee(s) in this tab. Once you have browsed for, located and selected the appropriate employee, most of the fields in this tab will be populated automatically. Add the Date and Time they started using, or working with, the item.

Documents & Images

In this tab you can add documents and additional images which are relevant to the current incident. For a detailed explanation of this process, please see Document Window and Images in Plant & Equipment.

User Defined Fields

You may create any new field that is appropriate to Plant & Equipment. To create UDFs, see User Defined Fields (UDFs). Also see User Defined Fields within OHS for more specific information.


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